Tuition Information & Policies
- Tuition payments are due on or before the first of the month. Payments not received within 15-days of due date will be subject to a 5% late charge. Repeated late tuition payments can result in a student being removed from our program.
- Check or cash payments may be mailed or delivered to our site during office hours (6210 Douglas Blvd, Granite Bay CA 95746). Credit or debit card payments may be made in person, over the phone, or via our website. Automatic billing is also available and highly recommended.
- Please notify the Center if your child is sick; that way we can fit in another student for a make-up lesson.
- If your child will no longer be attending the Art Center, a one-month notice is required. If notice is not received, the student will be billed for that full month's lesson.
If a student misses a class or lesson, and the Center (or music teacher) is given at least a 24-hour notice, he/she is eligible for a make-up. Art students can attend another art class of their choosing--or can apply the credit toward any of the Art Center's workshops (one missed class equals $24.50). Music students can arrange a make-up lesson individually with their teacher.
In general, the Center does NOT pro-rate tuition, except when a student begins classes or lessons after the beginning of the month, of course. In rare cases, when a make-up cannot be scheduled, a music teacher may give permission to pro-rate tuition, but this needs to be worked out in advance between the parent and teacher.
- If someone else is picking up your child, please let the Center know.
- If you are not able to be reached at your regular phone number, please give the Center a number where you can be reached.
- Please inform the Center about any special medical needs your child might have.
- The loading zone is for pick-up and drop-off only. Do not drop off or pick up your child while being double parked. This is extremely dangerous. If you are coming into the Center during the class or lesson, please park in our lot.
- For safety reasons, the county has requested that upon exiting the Center you make a RIGHT TURN ONLY. Left hand turns are illegal and hazardous.
- When entering from the east, a left hand turn across the center divide is not allowed. Please proceed to the next traffic light at Barton Road and make a U-turn.
- Your child may be photographed for promotional purposes, unless you instruct the Center otherwise.
- While we encourage and embrace the sharing of your Center experience on social media, we ask that you respect the privacy of other families and refrain from posting images that contain photos of other students without their consent.